8 Terrific Movie Performances Given Behind A Mask

8. Tom Hardy - The Dark Knight Rises

The villain whose voice launched a thousand internet parodies and memes, Tom Hardy€™s Bane was still a terrifying presence in the final instalment of The Dark Knight Trilogy. Hardy spends the entire film with Bane€™s breather wrapped around his face, and is still able to capture the character€™s malevolence through body language alone. The character€™s muffled voice might have been divisive among fans and critics, but it gives Bane a level of creepy intelligence that lets the audience know Batman has met his intellectual and physical match. Hardy€™s hulking physique makes the character all the more threatening, and the first fight he shares with Batman plays out like a horror scene, where he ridicules, demolishes and finally €œbreaks€ his opponent in an almost casual manner. Hardy turned what could have been €“ in the wrong hands - a laughable character into another iconic villain, and turned the mask handicap to his benefit. He did the same thing with Mad Max€™s muzzle in Fury Road, so he€™s must have a thing for masks covering half his face now.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.