8 Terrifying Horror Comics That Should Be Made Into Movies

1. The Dark & Bloody

hack slash
DC Comics

The opening pages feature seven-year-old Iris Gentry throwing a sack containing six coonhound/coyote pups into a pond. I'm almost tempted to stop this entry here, but there is still so much yet to come from The Dark & Bloody.

Fast-forward and a grown-up Iris has returned from duty in Iraq. Moving to the backwoods of Kentucky, Iris takes to brewing moonshine for his former ranking officer in order to provide for his family. Neither the woods nor his own past are willing to let him rest, however. The victims of a war crime committed whilst on mission with his regiment has come back to haunt Iris in the form of supernatural monsters.

Acting as a vehicle into Iris' mind, The Dark & Bloody is a fantastic exploration into the damaged psyche of a war veteran, with the monsters that he faces acting as stand-ins for the demons he must fight within his own mind.

This topic has been almost entirely unexplored in film outside of the action/drama genre, and this mix of psychiatric torture and supernatural terror in a perfectly secluded setting is a very promising jumping-off point for any director willing to take a punt on it.

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Re Animator
Magnet Releasing

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Lover of all things zombie. Secretly wishing for the apocalypse, but only on easy difficulty. Top of the world leaderboards for a couple of songs on Pro Drums on Rock Band 4. Can name every world flag. Currently doing my MA in Creative Writing in an attempt to do something with my life.