8 Things Batman V Superman Did Better Than Captain America: Civil War

7. The Visuals Are Stunning

Captain America Civil War Batman V Superman.jpg
Warner Bros.

If there’s one department where Snyder really shines it’s the visuals, and the boy knows how to make his movies look gorgeous. This often comes at the expense of storytelling - as anyone who sat through Sucker Punch will tell you – but he does provide a feast for the eyes regardless.

This holds true for Dawn Of Justice, which features any number of stunning images from the opening sequence with Bruce Wayne racing around a crumbling Metropolis, the Knightmare sequence (even if it didn't make sense) or the title fight itself. Civil War, on the other hand, has a flatter visual style, featuring sterile sets and colour only really pops out during the fight scenes; this might be in line with the rest of the MCU, but more dynamic visuals would be welcome.

Snyder could find a way to make two people having a conversation in a slow moving elevator visually arresting while Marvel would rely on performance to distract from the drabness; both approaches have their strengths, but visuals are one area where DC have Marvel beat.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.