8 Things Everybody Has Wrong About Batman V Superman

5. It's Called Batman V Superman For A Good Reason (Instead Of "Batman Vs. Superman")

Lots of fans were shocked when the official title for the upcoming movie, "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice," was first made public. The biggest criticism came due to the use of the letter "v" over the actual word "versus" (or its most common abbreviated form: "vs."), with many coming forward to say that it didn't feel right or make much sense. Why the heck did they opt for a "v" instead of a "vs."? Contrary to the popular belief that Zack Snyder just "messed up" the naming of his film, though, the movie was declared "Batman v Superman" for a reason. Yes, Snyder actually chose to use a single "v" instead of a "versus" because he purposely wanted - in his own words - "to keep it from being a straight 'versus' movie, even in the most subtle way." So for anyone wondering whether the use of a single "v" was a mistake or had been implemented at random, it wasn't: Snyder did it with the clear intention of ensuring that Batman v Superman didn't end up being considered a mere fight movie; it's much more.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.