8 Things Everybody Has Wrong About Batman V Superman

2. Those "Desert" Scenes Are Almost Certainly Part Of A Dream Sequence

One potentially curious aspect inherent to the full-length trailer for Batman v Superman shows a strange, desert terrain with a sort of war-esque Batman figure being attacked and apprehended by soldiers with Superman symbols on their clothes. The big question on everybody's lips regarding this scene, of course, is: "What the hell is going on and how does this scene fit into the movie?' Which is probably the wrong question to be asking, actually: in all likelihood, given what we know of the movie itself, said scenes are the result of a dream. Batman is anxious about the power that Superman wields over the planet, and thus the desert-world in which he is forced to face up against "Superman soldiers" is a kind of nightmarish worst case scenario. According to the established plot, Batman v Superman has no room for a reality like this to actually exist outside of it being a dream scene, which means that it seems safe to just assume that these scenes aren't "real," but are visions brought on by Batman's anxiety.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.