8 Things Justice League Must To Do To Get The DCEU Back On Track

1. Have A Good Plot

Justice League Unite The 7
Warner Bros.

Above all else, the DCEU needs to give Justice League something that BvS and Suicide Squad lacked: a solid plot to go along with the superhero action. Many people have embraced the DECU despite its flaws.

While they might not have done much for the critics, each film in the DCEU canon has been a certified box office hit. DC has delivered the thrills and spectacle comic fans deserve while also giving iconic heroes like Wonder Woman a chance to dazzle fans on the big screen.

DC fans are already onboard with the franchise; now, it's time for DC to broaden its appeal. The way to do this is to give audiences a great story they can sink their teeth into, one that they will want to revisit over and over again.

Storytelling might be the DCEU's most glaring flaw to date and it is this element that the studio should be focused on the most. Snyder has never been much for coherent storytelling, but, after the reception of BvS, he should be motivated to shore up this weakness in his game. Once he does, the DCEU will have all the tools it needs to get back on track.


I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.