8 Things Justice League Must To Do To Get The DCEU Back On Track

2. Have A Good Setup For Future Franchises

Justice League Unite The 7
Warner Bros.

Justice League is for all the DCEU franchise marbles. It could set up a whole bevy of future profitable DC series. Aquaman and Flash already have dates for for their solo features and if Cyborg is a hit with audiences he could be starring in a vehicle of his own as well.

First impressions are vital and audiences need to be sold on characters like Aquaman and the Flash. Aquaman especially may be a tough sell to non-comic book fans because his powers seem somewhat silly compared to the rest of the Justice League members.

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy proved that general audiences are willing to accept weird characters as long as the movie around them is solid. The sky is the limit for how successful DC's upcoming solo features could be if Justice Leagues gives its latest characters a chance to shine and wow audiences.

If Snyder stumbles in the same way he did handling BvS, he could very well torpedo these would-be franchise before they start. Unless the people come away from Justice League buzzing about how cool Aquaman, Cyborg and the Flash are, the whole film will be one giant missed opportunity for the DECU's franchise aspirations.


I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.