8 Things Movies Always Get Wrong About Drugs

2. Rastafari = Potheads

Bob Marley

Speaking of Hollywood shorthand, you can pretty much guarantee that if the movie features a Rastafari, they're certain to be a stereotypical pothead. This image is not helped by hordes of actual potheads, who seem to look up to the Rastafari image as some kind of Valhalla.

In fact, the Rastafari philosophy is a deep and complex interpretation of the Bible, and one of its central tenets is to treat the body as a temple. This means different things for different people, but it often includes following a non-processed, plant-based diet, avoiding alcohol, and letting the hair grow long. It also means that some rastafaris also avoid smoking weed.

This, however, doesn't make for good cinema in the eyes of movie makers, so the stereotype persists. Snoop Dogg isn't helping either.

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