8 Things That Don't Look Anything Like They Do In Movies

3. Terrors Of The Deep Are Mostly Harmless

There are probably few fates for a ship worse than being swallowed up by some kind of deep sea kraken. The idea of an aquatic behemoth just waiting in the deepest depth of the ocean is certainly freaky but, fear not, because coming to the surface to swallow your ship up is probably going to hurt it more than you.

Deep-sea creatures are perfectly adapted to withstand the enormous amounts of crushing pressure that the water column exerts on them at the bottom of the ocean. If you take them out of that environment, they probably won't thank you for it.

The tissues and membranes in deep sea creatures are much squishier (that's the technical term) than surface dwellers, this is because high pressure makes this kind of tissue more rigid, at surface pressures they would actually be much more liquid. Remember everybody's favourite ugly fish, the blobfish? It actually looks more like this when at its preferred depth.

When our giant deep-sea monster surfaces to devour your ship/soul, the drop in pressure will actually cause its tissues to, er, ooze. This is bad news if the parts that are oozing happen to be your nervous system. Far from crushing your vessel with powerful tentacles, the kraken is more likely to sort of limply flop itself up on deck whilst its vital systems begin to melt, suffers a massive cerebral hemorrhage and finally sort of slimes its way back into the ocean.

Looks like it's safe to go back in the water for now.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.