8 Things We're Sure We've Seen In Films (But Actually Haven't)

5. Ghost Child - Three Men And A Baby

Gwyneth Paltrow head
Buena Vista

Another long-debunked but somehow enduring belief is that of a certain moment in 1987's Three Men And A Baby, in which the spectral image of a young boy was caught on camera.

The scene in question features Celeste Holm's Mrs. Holden walking through a house, where a figure can be seen partially obscured between 2 curtains. The figure is indeed present in all cuts of the film, leading cinemagoers - rational thinkers that they are - to conclude that this was the ghost of a child who had died in the house used for the production. Theories gradually became more outlandish, with details added including the boy's suicide by shotgun and his mother being driven insane at the sight of her son in the film, leading to her being sectioned.

Of course, the truth is entirely different, and entirely mundane. The figure that can be seen is a cardboard cutout of Ted Danson's character, intended to be used as part of a scrapped subplot, and the cutout ended up remaining on set. It even shows up much more closely in the film in a later scene, and it is immediately obvious that it's the same prop spotted earlier on in the house. The fact that all the interiors were shot on a sound stage rather than in a real house also serve to pour water on the theory.

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Neo-noir enjoyer, lover of the 1990s Lucasarts adventure games and detractor of just about everything else. An insufferable, over-opinionated pillock.