8 Things You Learn Watching Star Wars: The Force Awakens

1. This Is The 2nd Best Star Wars Film Overall

Surpassed only by The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, is the second best overall film in the franchise. Naturally, it eclipses all three prequels, and though I have recently defended those much derided films in this series of articles, it remains that they are films of moments; they simply can€™t compete with the sheer consistent brilliance of Abrams€™ work here. Episode VII too surpasses Return of the Jedi, which I found underwhelming when I revisited it after so very long. It€™s a toss-up, then, between A New Hope and TFA for second place - and this just edges it. Of course, A New Hope kickstared this whole thing, and it can lay claim to being one of the four or five most influential movies ever made. However, if we€™re going on sheer filmmaking, The Force Awakens is just superior. Not only is it acted and shot better (though this isn€™t really a competition), but it looks set to begin the same sort of legacy. I strongly believe people will feel about this film the way those who first witnessed A New Hope feel now. Episode VII can€™t quite touch the woebegone, all-encompassing tragedy of The Empire Strikes Back, and nor can it provide anything as defining as the Luke/Vader father reveal (though it does give it a damn-good go with the Han/Ren stuff), but it can be mentioned in the same breath, and that€™s some of the highest blockbuster praise you can get.

No-one I think is in my tree, I mean it must be high or low?