8 Unanswered Questions From 2018's Comic Book Movies

6. How Did Venom Survive At The End? - Venom

Venom Trailer

The Question: Venom concluded with the titular symbiote sacrificing itself to destroy Carlton Drake (Riz Ahmed) and Riot, seemingly being incinerated by the exploding rocket while just barely protecting Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) from a similar fate.

But with the tail-end of the movie revealing that Venom was in fact still bonded to Eddie, how did the symbiote manage to survive the explosion?

Prediction: This is also something the filmmakers didn't want you to think too much about, along with most of the movie, honestly.

We know that the Venom symbiote is extremely vulnerable to fire, and this was rather lazily exploited for a cheap final fake-out, for the three people watching who actually believed Venom was really dead.

You can hand-waive it with half-baked explanations like Venom's recuperative abilities being boosted by its time spent bonded to Eddie, but it ultimately just came down to "because movie."

In the comics Venom had the ability to fully regenerate if even a sliver of him was left in tact, so while the movie makes no reference to this, that's probably the safest explanation.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.