8 Unconfirmed (But 100% Happening) Upcoming Movies

5. X-Men: Dark Phoenix

X-Men: Days Of Future Past didn't just competently realise a much loved storyline from the comics; it completely reinvigorated the entire X-Men movie franchise, showing all-out reboots aren't required to keep a flagging series going. The time-travel plot allowed Bryan Singer to rewrite much of the continuity (and leave plenty open so other writers can now pick and choose which previous events actually happened), wiping whole movies from existence and creating a status quo the movies going forward can build. However, far more than just allowing fans to legitimately overlook The Last Stand and Origins: Wolverine when undertaking an epic re-watch, in a more abstract sense this allows the series to have a second, hopefully better stab at previously butchered stories. The ending of Days Of Future Past teased a new take on the Weapon X programme, something the upcoming Deadpool will no doubt pay some self-aware reference to. But more exciting is the possibility to re-do Brett Ratner's biggest mis-step; The Dark Phoenix Saga. The defining story in X-Men comics, Jean Grey's alter-ego and the absolute horror she unleashes (in print she destroys an entire planet, killing billions) was downsized to a sub-plot where she served as little more than a henchmen. Seeing it done right is high on any geek's wish-list and the aftermath of the Sentinels makes that realisation more than likely. Game Of Thrones' Sophie Turner has recently been cast as a young Jean Grey in X-Men: Apocalypse, and there's no way she hasn't been brought on with a more psycho-take planned down the line.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.