8 Unintentionally Hilarious Horror Movie Endings

7. Sandy Is A Serial Killer - "Last Night In Soho"

Malignant movie

The latest instalment from the visionary mind of Edgar Wright, "Last Night in Soho" both amazed and bemused those who watched it. With visuals and a soundtrack to die for, Wright masterfully crafted a fantastic story from start until (almost) finish.

Following her transition to university, the audience follows a shy yet enthusiastic Eloise whose one true goal is to follow in the footsteps of her deceased mother. From the get-go it's alluded to that Eloise has a sixth sense of sorts, and often sees visions of her mum throughout the day.

This lends itself to the story well, as soon enough the audience is catapulted head-first into Eloise's psyche and dreams, as we see the apparitions of several different characters living out their lives in 1960's Soho. Anya Taylor-Joy stuns as Sandy, the main character who's life Eloise becomes intertwined with, and after learning about her desperate scramble for fame in a Soho that only rewards women who sell their bodies in exchange for status, she becomes hell-bent on revenge.

The final reveal of Sandy having been a serial killer this whole time is somewhat underwhelming, but also sort of laughable. What makes this reveal even worse is the strange and psychedelic sequence of a young Sandy attempting to murder Eloise on a moving staircase, in what appears to be a dream-world-esque state.

It's as weird as it sounds, and no, it was not in the slightest bit artistic, just straight up funny.

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