8 Upcoming Movies That It's Actually Worth Getting Excited About

7. That Trailer Was Awesome (Despite Its Faults) - Suicide Squad

Yeah yeah, I know exactly what you're thinking. I haven't been shy about my total disdain for Man Of Steel 2: Bring In Batman, which has led to many of you thinking I'm either just a Marvel fanboy (trust me - after Avengers: Age Of Ultron I'm far from that), or otherwise want the whole DC Extended Universe project to fail. But while I'm yet to get properly enthused about the rushed shared universe based on Zack Snyder saturated destruction porn, I can't say carte blanch there's not any potential for the forced series (heck, if we get a proper Green Lantern movie at the end of all this, any number of bad movies will be worth it). Case in point - Suicide Squad. In stark contrast to Batman V Superman, quite a few creative decision seems well thought out. Hiring David Ayer as the director was strong groundwork and there's been some very astute casting (Margot Robbie will kill as Harley Quinn), and as things slink forward I can't help but get a bit excited. There's been some issues - Tom Hardy dropping out, only to be replaced by Joel Kinnaman is a real knock, especially given the rumours Max left because of script problems (he did since call the film "alley", prompting the US press to lose their sh*t over some obviously-intended verbification) - but none that really spell inescapable doom (or Doomsday, ha?). What really turned me around on the film (and even find Jared Leto's Joker a lot less irritating, despite those tattoos) was that Comic-Con trailer. Overlong and imperfect (it was clearly designed for the few thousand in Hall H rather than the tens of millions online), it regardless shows a blockbuster with a distinct tone and clear idea of what it wants to do. Very alley indeed.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.