8 Upcoming Movies That Will Be Nothing Like You're Expecting

8. The Joker Is Nothing Like He Is In The Trailer - Suicide Squad

Jared Leto's Joker sounds a lot better than he looks. Back when that first image of the Oscar-winner/Thirty Seconds To Mars frontman's take on the Clown Prince of Crime the reaction was... let's just say less than positive. And while it hasn't made those tattoos any less stupid (Damaged written on his forehead, really?) seeing him in action in the impressive Suicide Squad trailer (yeah, I just said that) certainly restores some faith in his casting. However, what's on show in those cumulative eight seconds doesn't really show the Joker as he'll be in the finished film, at least not based on everything that's been said about this revamped version of the character by Leto, director David Ayer and others. Like various elements of the emergent DC Extended Universe (looks like they're seriously going with that name), this Joker will be somewhat lifted from the pages of The Dark Knight Returns, with Leto putting on some pretty serious muscle for the role and a brief shot in the trailer showing him sporting a similar fashion style (when he's not torturing Harley Quinn topless, of course). That's not exactly what that brief line delivery suggested. How close to the Returns version (or, more importantly, how far away from Heath Ledger) we'll be going, is unclear (the film is still over a year away), but it's already evident this Joker isn't as simple as he seems.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.