8 Upcoming Sequels To Movies That Aren’t Even Out Yet

3. The Divergent Series: Allegiant - Part 1 And Part 2

On top of feeling like a Hunger Games rip-off in terms of plot, characters, setting, origins and in actuality, with the source novel actually being a poorly veiled copy, Divergent looks so keen to mimic its superior inspiration that it's following the same franchise direction. A sequel, Insurgent, was announced during the first film's production, while a two-part adaptation of the trilogy ender came shortly after the success of the original's release. Boasting an incredibly convoluted title that makes the whole thing feel like a very expensive TV show (remember when the franchise name wasn't forced into every title), Allegiant is set to arrive in less than three years, striking before interest in the series wanes. You have to question whether Divergent as a series is popular because it actually speaks to its teen audience or because Lionsgate have simply put so much effort into making it a big deal. Will It Be Any Good? The first one was adequate, but nothing more. With its lack of originality present from the start, if you're not on board already don't expect later movies to convince you.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.