8 Upcoming Sequels To Movies That Aren’t Even Out Yet

2. Fantastic Four 2

One of the first mis-steps in the superhero genre was Fantastic Four. After X-Men emphasised the prejudice and Spider-Man got audiences cheering, this felt like a throwback to the pre-resurrection days; cheesy but not quite aware of it. You can argue that the team, which in the comics made Marvel into a heavy hitter, is simply obsolete in the modern day; X-Men shows a diverse team and The Avengers brings the fun. But no one's told that to Fox, who are not only rebooting the series (with Josh Trank, already set to defect to Star Wars, directing), but also have a sequel primed for 2017. The reboot certainly looks like it'll go beyond simply insinuating naked Jessica Alba with an out there cast (Jamie Bell will mo-cap the Thing and Michael B. Jordan is going to get his flame on as the Human Torch), but it's pretty confident to have a sequel ready for a previously ridiculed property. Will It Be Any Good? The Fantastic Four may be naff as an idea, but so was a found footage superhero movie. Although Trank's not on board with the sequel, if his first movie's good then we're on board.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.