8 Ways Indiana Jones Almost Turned Out Completely Different

2. He Was Almost A Big-Time Gambler

"The guy should be a great gambler, too." These are words uttered by Steven Spielberg in the same meeting that saw George Lucas suggesting that Indiana Jones be a kung-fu expert. Now, this isn't quite as horrible, but it still doesn't really ring true of the character that we know and love - it's a lot more in line with the James Bond-type Indiana Jones that was discarded and dumbed down; sophisticated high-flyer who likes women and hard liquor. This trait was thrown out for the same reason as so many of Indy's traits were thrown out - there was a sense that the character was being overloaded with too much, and all his skills and attributes risked alienating and confusing the audience. Had Indy remained something of a 007 character, however, you can bet that he would have probably ended up at the craps table in some swanky hotel in an exotic country, embarrassing the locals with his skills. Which seems terribly out of place in retrospect.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.