8 Ways Indiana Jones Almost Turned Out Completely Different

3. He Was Almost A Weird Pedophile Type

Brainstorming sessions can be a dangerous thing - especially when you consider that, once upon a time, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg sat down, started suggesting ideas, and came up with a version of everybody's favourite archeologist who - for lack of a better word - resembled something close to an actual pedophile, which Lucas deemed "amusing." That's not a joke. Lucas and Spielberg genuinely considered giving Indy a backstory that would have seen a 12-year-old Marion Ravenwood having seduced him in her younger years - an abandoned plot strand that is still hinted at briefly in Raiders Of The Lost Ark through that mysterious line: "I was a child. You were wrong and you knew it." In the context of Raiders, we just assume that Marion means that she was young and unexperienced in love - you know, like 17 or something. When you consider that the writer of Star Wars and the director of E.T. very nearly gave one of the greatest cinematic heroes of all-time a super shady background, though, that line just feels icky as hell. So there's a good chance that, had Lucas and Spielberg opted for the Indiana Pervert approach, the character wouldn't have ended up being quite as beloved as he is today.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.