8 Ways Jared Leto's Joker Is Already The Worst Version Of The Character

6. The Grill Is Logical (But Doesn't Fit The Character)

As a madman who has had his jaw punched by Batman more times than he's tried to poison hot dinners, there's more a semblance of logic to Joker's metal front teeth here - it's unlikely that through all his maniacal crime sprees he's managed to keep all of his original nashers. But while it's sensible he'd have fake teeth, at what point did the character become some muscled goon? The silver teeth he's giving clear view of in the image would no doubt fit the bill if Leto was playing your regular mental patient, but it's not the Joker. That's actually true of a good chunk of the image, but, honing in on this one aspect, it's the problem that sticks out most, with next-to-no comic book grounding. They may not just be replacements though - as other teeth seem to have metal tips, has the Joker augmented his teeth so he can bite people and cause major damage (he's just that crazy)? If he has, then that's even worse.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.