8 Ways Lex Luthor Can Be More Practical Before Man Of Steel 2

8. No Land Plots

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Let€™s get this one out of the way right now. You€™ve tried this one many, many times in movies, and it never works, no matter how big you try to go with it. No one is going to buy your land when it€™s radioactive, craggy, or while you€™re at odds with world governments. Zod€™s probably going to kill you anyway, and Superman can just chuck your real estate into outer space, even with massive amounts of Kryptonite embedded within it. The troubles presented by these plans far outweigh their rewards. It€™s almost as if each time you try this, all it does is create an intricate, creative plot that can challenge Superman before he foils it. You€™re Lex Luthor, the greatest criminal mind of our time. You can do much better than a real estate plot (no pun intended). You can get Superman out of the way much more efficiently while getting what you want. Contrary to what your father told you, there are other valuable resources out there besides land. Go to a library and read up. Or watch the news. Or pop in a Bond movie. Then turn those things on their heads. Even if land is what you want the most, there are probably better ways to get it. But making money from valuable resources should be an afterthought to your real concerns anyway, a reward for your troubles. You have larger priorities to deal with before you even get there. Your plans should bring you to the land, not be about the land.

Ian Boucher is many things when he is not writing for WhatCulture.com -- explorer, friend of nature, and librarian. He enjoys stories of many kinds and is fascinated with what different mediums can bring to them. He has developed particular affections for movies and comic books, especially the ones that need more attention, taking them absolutely seriously with a sense of humor. He constantly strives to build his understanding of the relationships between world cultures, messages, and audiences.