8 Ways Lex Luthor Can Be More Practical Before Man Of Steel 2

7. Don€™t Work With Idiots, Your Girlfriend, Or Extraterrestrials

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Too many cooks in the kitchen is always a bad thing, and it€™s even worse when a great vision is destroyed through low IQ levels or moral backpedaling. Others should be falling victim to this convention, not Lex Luthor! Yes, you have learned this lesson to a point. But even when your help is pretty useful like it was in Superman Returns, in the grand scheme of things, it has consistently caused you only trouble. The same goes for extraterrestrial assistance. If you can€™t rely on most humans, what makes you think aliens would be any better? They are a greater, more dangerous factor in the implementation of any plans you construct. You may be one of the smartest men on the planet (if not the smartest), but who knows what they€™re capable of? Yes, most of us want to see Brainiac in a movie, but if that ever becomes the case, as much as you€™d want to share some screen time with him, you really ought to steer clear of him and his like until you know for a fact the time is right. As a matter of fact, this goes for Superman as well. Don€™t even introduce yourself to him. I know it€™s tough because you want the credit, but trust me, it€™s for the best.

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Anyway. Extraterrestrials, whether artificially-created or not, are the worst professional contacts of all, because not only are they more powerful, but they deliberately double cross you at every turn. Taking the opportunity to work with them directs too much of your much-needed energy away from destroying Superman and toward making sure you stay ahead of your associates (which usually doesn€™t even happen in the end, no offense), so don€™t bring anyone from another planet into your war room in the first place if you can help it. A contact should work for you, and aliens always have their own agendas. If you can spare the time to learn about Superman through alien resources like advanced crystal videotapes, go for it, but in terms of implementation, just stick with sure things that you know about from Earth. Don€™t bite off more than you can chew. Consequently, if you€™re going to work with anybody, use an intelligent and sympathetic relative like your niece (albeit probably in a behind-the-scenes role). You really don€™t need help or social contacts beyond that, but if you would still need any further assistance, you can build, engineer, or recruit good help with your ingenuity, signature charm, strong demeanor, and the simple conduction of a job interview. If you€™re going to bring anybody on board, choose very, very wisely. If anything, your associates are pawns who don€™t even need to know you€™re there. It€™d be best if you used your intelligence only to subvert others and benefit yourself rather than directly ally yourself with or depend on anyone. You need to rely on you, and no one else. Keep things as efficient as you can. Make others€™ strengths, weaknesses, and plans an advantage to your plans. And back up your plans with other plans! Note: Extradimensional partners may be another story€if anyone can work out the odds and ends of that, it€™s you!

Ian Boucher is many things when he is not writing for WhatCulture.com -- explorer, friend of nature, and librarian. He enjoys stories of many kinds and is fascinated with what different mediums can bring to them. He has developed particular affections for movies and comic books, especially the ones that need more attention, taking them absolutely seriously with a sense of humor. He constantly strives to build his understanding of the relationships between world cultures, messages, and audiences.