8 Ways Lex Luthor Can Be More Practical Before Man Of Steel 2

3. If Kryptonite Must Be Used, Use A More Efficient Form

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Kryptonite is only so effective, and as Superman Returns showed you, bigger is clearly not always better, even if you did incorporate an inventive idea into your plan. If Kryptonite turns out to be around Metropolis in Man of Steel 2, and you€™re going to use it, it should be an aspect of your plan rather than the whole thing. There are so many better possibilities floating around that supreme cranium of yours! And while using Kryptonite as one element, a tool, within your larger plan, it should be channeled more strategically to hurt Superman in a more penetrating and damaging way. Not even a Kryptonite dagger can accomplish this. Superman shouldn€™t be able to just recover from Kryptonite by distancing himself from it. Implement something that you can direct at Superman alone to settle internally and more permanently within him. Why not use Kryptonite nanotechnology, Kryptonite blood transfusions, or Kryptonite pathogens? Even Kryptonite spray paint could help. You could manufacture all of those things on your own and more. But make sure your name isn€™t attached to anything. Can you do that? That would be a big help. And let someone else administer the dosage like a real mastermind.

Ian Boucher is many things when he is not writing for WhatCulture.com -- explorer, friend of nature, and librarian. He enjoys stories of many kinds and is fascinated with what different mediums can bring to them. He has developed particular affections for movies and comic books, especially the ones that need more attention, taking them absolutely seriously with a sense of humor. He constantly strives to build his understanding of the relationships between world cultures, messages, and audiences.