8 Ways Lex Luthor Can Be More Practical Before Man Of Steel 2

1. Make Superman A Cause Of Destruction On His Own

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I think you knew I was building toward this as soon as you mathematically extrapolated the results based on the arrangement of syllables in the first sentence of my introduction. What is the elephant in the room, your motivation for everything? Besides your greatness waiting to be revealed to the world. Yes, a fear of Superman! No, not you of course€”you feel unblemished rage toward how he diminishes the world, flying in the face of our capabilities. But that rage becomes fear when present within an average person. Why not take advantage of that fear by going one step better than words inspiring rage in others or crippling Superman€™s solidarity? Don€™t just frame Superman or change people€™s minds through your words; make the world see him for what he actually is. It€™s right there, ripe for you to cultivate. The best thing about this is that Superman can honestly do the heavy lifting for you. There€™s no need for any publicly-visible action on your part or any mind-altering technology. Manipulate that supposed paragon of truth into destroying cities and hurting people through the very nature of what he is. At the end of the day, Superman does not belong here and doesn€™t know what he€™s doing. Everything he does has to be delicately controlled through a great amount of focus and training. The only way to get rid of Superman is for the world to tell him positively and without doubt that he€™s not welcome. Some even may do it with pity. The hindrance formally known as Superman will take the hint, go inward with his struggles, and eventually, hopefully€”surely!€”leave our solar system. As a result, in the aftermath, people and corporations will finally be able to rally behind your vision, their new worldviews reinforced. They€™d need you to help them clean up the mess that they€™d€”up until this point€”unconsciously come to accept as commonplace as a result of living with the Kryptonian, and you€™ll finally be rid of that being in a silly red sheet. No longer delayed, you would be ready to lead humanity into the wonderful possibilities of the future that were there all along. Who knows? Once you destroy Superman through his own complete, utter, irredeemable, and quite literal destruction, you might privately have the chance do everything you€™ve always wanted to do to him, to show him just how much he has cost you, because no one will care enough to be watching anymore anyway. Most importantly, the world will know once and for all that it€™s not easy to be you.

Ian Boucher is many things when he is not writing for WhatCulture.com -- explorer, friend of nature, and librarian. He enjoys stories of many kinds and is fascinated with what different mediums can bring to them. He has developed particular affections for movies and comic books, especially the ones that need more attention, taking them absolutely seriously with a sense of humor. He constantly strives to build his understanding of the relationships between world cultures, messages, and audiences.