8 Widespread Movie "Facts" That Are Totally Untrue

7. All The Clocks In Pulp Fiction Are Set To 4:20

Pulp Fiction If you're not "hip" or "cool" enough to know what the significance of all the clocks in Pulp Fiction being set to 4:20 might be, then let me fill you in. Not because I'm an expert on this particular culture or anything, but because I looked it up myself when I was around fifteen in the aftermath of being exposed to this little "fact." 420 is basically a code-term in North America used to denote the consumption or an association with cannabis. It doesn't really mean anything, though. Anyway, one day, upon spotting that a few of the clocks in Pulp Fiction were set to 4:20, somebody decided to start telling everyone that all the clocks in Pulp Fiction were set to 4:20, and now there's a big thing about all the clocks in Pulp Fiction being set to 4:20. To put it simply, it's just not true. A couple of clocks in the pawn shop scene are set at this time, which might've been a coincidence, but there are clocks scattered throughout the movie that aren't. The one in Jimmie's house isn't set to 4:20, nor is Butch's iconic gold watch. So, uh, there we go.

All-round pop culture obsessive.