8 Worst And Most Desperate Movie Publicity Stunts Ever

7. Ad (In) Space - Last Action Hero

Iron Man 3 Guns
Columbia Pictures

Last Action Hero was a clear turning point for Arnold Schwarzenegger’s film career; for nearly ten years he’d been a reigning box-office champ, but after LAH his power slowly petered out. The movie was meant to be huge, and Columbia Pictures spent ungodly amounts of money both making and promoting it.

The nadir of their campaign – which also involved giant inflatable balloons of Arnie holding a stick of dynamite - involved paying a privately owned company half a million to put an advert for the film on their space shuttle.

The logic of a company paying that much for an ad no-one will be able to see is already suspect, but the rocket launch was delayed until a couple of months after the premiere, by which time Last Action Hero had already had its ass kicked by Jurassic Park.

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Iron Man 3
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Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.