8 Worst Bond Girls Of All Time

1. Dr. Christmas Jones (Denise Richards) - The World Is Not Enough

The face that launched a thousand quips (€œI thought Christmas only came once a year!€), Dr. Christmas Jones is notable only for appearing in the same film as Electra King (Sophie Marceau), who€™s smart, sexy and so badass she has Robert Carlyle for a henchman. Dr. Jones is none of these things, but because she€™s played by Denise Richards, she really knows how to wear shorts. Under normal circumstances, that might be enough, but the character€™s supposed to be a nuclear physicist, and watching someone who dresses like Britney Spears attempt to defuse a bomb qualifies the movie for so-bad-it€™s-good status. Worse, the dreadful dialogue proves the filmmakers didn€™t know the difference between intentional silliness and laughable stupidity. €œThe world€™s greatest terrorist running around with six kilos of weapons grade plutonium can€™t be good,€ says the €œDoctor€ at one point. €œI gotta get it back, or someone€™s gonna have my ass!€ Did we miss any terrible Bond girls? Shout out any more, puns and all, down in the comments.

Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'