8 Worst Bond Girls Of All Time

2. Stacey Sutton (Tanya Roberts) - A View To A Kill

Along with Molly Ringwald in Spacehunter and Kate Capshaw in Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom, Tanya Roberts proves there was an unwritten law that 80s movie heroines had to be as wimpy and annoying as possible. Whenever the going gets tough, Ms Roberts covers her mouth, gasps loudly and calls out for Roger Moore to save her. At the time of shooting, Moore was 28 years her senior, so whether he€™s rescuing her from a burning building or fighting off armed goons, he looks like an angry dad protecting his daughter. And he has to do a lot of protecting, because the girl can€™t do squat. Well, she can deliver exposition, and she thinks she knows something about geology, but every time a window shatters she backs into a corner screaming. Ms Roberts probably learned this on Tourist Trap (1979), where she played teenage cannon fodder for Chuck Connors€™s leering psycho. Tall and busty, and required to do little more than disrobe, scream and die horribly, you could see why she was cast, but it takes a little more grit to play a Bond girl, a willingness to go from bookish geologist to kick ass heroine. Just ask your dad.

Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'