8 Worst Humans In Zombie Films

5. The Entire Cast - Doghouse

€œWe are gonna find a pub and get so drunk we can't remember how to speak, and we'll communicate in grunts like neanderthals, before passing out in the woods!€ Doghouse is a little known gem of a Brit horror-comedy starring Danny Dyer and Noel Clarke amongst an amazing group cast. The film focuses on a post-breakup €˜guy€™s trip€™ to a quaint countryside town, where the entire female population has been turned into freakish ghouls and butchered the men, leaving the lads as the only way of stopping them. The film establishes early on and in its epic finale that all of the guys are bad with women - ranging from being an intolerably annoying boyfriend to a Charlie Sheen level womaniser. So when faced with women that also happen to be mutated undead, they are more than just run of the mill bad. With such idiotic ideas as using a plastic toy gun and RC car fuel as a makeshift flamethrower or dressing up in drag to disguise their way through the town, the bumbling group of lads are the least likely survivors in the whole country. The shining moment is when aforementioned womaniser Neil finds himself in a completely out of place bedroom, complete with a nearly naked, oily (or is it bloody?) trio of hot girls. Neil must make the choice of his misogynistic life - stay for the show or leave and survive? Hard choice for any bloke, I€™m sure.
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Just a movie mad nut job with a computer and a passion for writing.