8 Worst Humans In Zombie Films

4. Eros - Plan 9 From Outer Space

€œAll you of Earth are idiots.€ Everyone who knows their classic B-movie stuff has heard the name Ed Wood, and the perplexing biography of the eccentric man who owns it. Most have probably heard of his most grand spectacle in dreadful filmmaking, Plan 9 from Outer Space. In the film that unfortunately marked the troubled end of Bela Lugosi€™s otherwise spectacular career. It€™s a bit of a stray step from the other films on the list but it still features the unifying point of featuring zombies in one way or another. The premise of the film is simple - the dead are rising and flying saucers are in the sky. Turns out an alien humanoid by the name of Eros wants to extinguish the human race using its own dead before they can discover an element capable of destroying the universe, purely because we mere humans can€™t be trusted €˜not to use it€™ Unfortunately, we humans fight back and stop Eros€™ evil plan. He even gets attacked by the very zombies he created and is very nearly killed. Why Eros needed to get so intimate with his creations I don€™t know, but his logic for creating them in the first place is seriously flawed, in Wood€™s quite obvious attempt at poking fun at humanity for its mistakes. Wood will forever be known as the campy, crazy guy who made pretty terrible films, with Eros being just a character that spawned from his outlandish mind.
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Just a movie mad nut job with a computer and a passion for writing.