9 "Dead" Movie Characters Who Must Return In Upcoming Sequels

1. The Vision

Star Wars The Last Jedi Captain Phasma
Marvel Comics

The Vision dies in Infinity War, twice, which is about two times too many for most characters to live through? But there were hopes that Vision would be back at the beginning of Endgame due to Wakanda's Shuri working on his brain shortly before his death. Some thought he would return as a grey copy, soulless and wrong, or maybe he'd come back perfectly fine. However, even after the Snap, he remained gone.

Except we know he's coming back as there's a new show called WandaVision, coming next year. That show will see the two of them together, in a 50s-esque setting, living together and being in love. But there's a strong chance that Wanda might hallucinate him or create an imaginary version of him, because it's happened before!

Regardless of WandaVision, The Vision will return. He's a superhero, and one that's more CGI than actor - as long as Marvel Studios is around, he will return.

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Tara Giovannini hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.