9 "Dead" Movie Characters Who Must Return In Upcoming Sequels

2. Loki

Star Wars The Last Jedi Captain Phasma
Marvel Studios

Loki has been doomed to die since the start. His fate was unknown at the end of Thor, and then after Avengers we thought we might never see him again. He faked his death in The Dark World, but that death was meant to be permanent before audience revolt.

Then he came and died in Infinity War, but then timeline alterations made it so he escaped into the past, along with the Time Stone. Who knows what'll happen there? Tune into Disney+'s new original series, LOKI tm.

Regardless of where the past version of Loki is headed, the original Loki will return. The film set it up so clearly that he would be back. Whether it's when Thor takes a trip to Hel (or Valhalla), or when Thor finds a small boy who is exceptionally good at tricks, or from Loki returning with a simple reveal that he faked his death yet again, Loki will return.

And maybe get his own movie at some point? Hey, if the show gets good views, who knows!

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