9 "Upcoming" Movie Remakes Trapped In Development Hell

1. American Psycho

American Psycho
Lions Gate Films

Despite how perfect Christian Bale is as unhinged yuppy Patrick Bateman in the original adaptation of Brett Easton Ellis' American Psycho, there has been talk of a remake for years now. And that's even with the Mila Kunis-starring sh*tshow of a sequel that everybody forgets on purpose.

For a while, that looked like it would take the form of a movie, but then in 2013, Fox decided to try and make a TV show that was clearly designed to capitalise on the success of Dexter, with Bateman taking on an apprentice. That fact that you haven't seen any of that tells you all you need to know about that particular project.

Still, rumours persist that a remake is coming, no matter how bad an idea it would be, but for now it's chilling on ice.

Which of these remakes would you most like to see? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.


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