9 Abandoned Sequel Plots That Sound Better Than The Movies We Got

4. The Post Apocalytic Blade: Trinity

Die Hard 24
New Line Cinema

Blade – alongside the original X-Men - kicked off the comic book movie renaissance. The idea was fresh, the action scenes great and Wesley Snipes was born to play the character. Blade II by Guillermo Del Toro was even better, so Blade: Trinity should be the best of the lot, right?

Wrong. So very wrong.

Blade screenwriter David Goyer took over directing duties and bless his heart he’s just no good. He wasn’t helped by Snipes, who was a massive pain in the a** during production; he even strangled Goyer during an argument. Snipes was apparently furious the original concept was abandoned, which would have been a Mad Max style adventure.

In this version, vampires had taken over and essentially turned the human race into cattle, with Blade being the lone warrior still trying to save it. New Line thought the concept was too pricey and bleak, so they offered Goyer the director’s chair on condition he made something cheaper.

So he tossed together a script with Blade fighting Dracula and made a movie no one liked; especially the fanbase.

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Die Hard 5
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