9 Actors Who Could Completely Ruin Their Upcoming Movies

6. Bill Skarsgård - Pennywise (It)

Jason Mamoa Aquaman
New Line Cinema

A remake of It is a very strange proposition. On the one hand, the original two-part TV miniseries isn't all that great - the first, kid-focused half is solid, but boy does it get unashamedly silly as it goes on - so there's major room for improvement, but on the other Tim Curry's Pennywise looms so large in popular culture it's impossible to even think it could be topped.

The former is why I've had high hopes for the project through its long gestation - it's time to knock the previous version from its pedestal - but the struggle with the later, leading to a revolving door of castings for the clown spirit, makes things questionable; everything needs to be different, even the good stuff.

In the end, Andrés Muschietti landed on Bill Skarsgård (Stellan's kid and Alexander's brother), who is a fine if rather unproven actor. By all accounts, where he's going with Pennywise sounds to be distinct from Curry and much more faithful to the novel, and I want to hold out hope, but now we've seen the new look (anybody else get a sense of grown-up Chucky?) and comparing him to what might have been (Will Poulter would have killed it), it feels like a missed opportunity.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.