9 Actors Who Died TWICE Horribly The Same Exact Way In Different Movies

7. Samuel L. Jackson - Shot By Multiple Police Officers (Lakeview Terrace & Spiral)

The Wicker Man Kick Ass
Sony & Lionsgate

When you appear in as many movies as Samuel L. Jackson does, it's simply a given that you're going to have literally dozens of deaths to your name.

This entry very nearly focused on the fact that Jackson has been devoured by genetically engineered animals in two separate movies - a Velociraptor in Jurassic Park and a shark in Deep Blue Sea - but then we remembered one even more grimly specific.

Jackson has appeared in two separate films where he's murdered by the police - and better yet, in both movies Jackson is himself a cop. Imagine that.

In 2008 thriller Lakeview Terrace, Jackson plays a racist cop who targets his interracial married couple neighbours (Patrick Wilson and Kerry Washington) through increasingly unsettling means.

By film's end, he pulls a gun and shoots at neighbour Chris (Wilson), prompting the police to pull their guns and open fire, riddling Jackson's character with bullets and killing him.

Conversely, last year's new Saw film Spiral concludes with Jackson's retired cop Marcus Banks being put in one of Jigsaw's traps, where his limbs are strapped to various guns which lift up into the air when the trap is triggered.

This causes the SWAT team that breaches the area to assume that Marcus is a threat and immediately open fire, ending his life.

These endings make for intriguing points of comparison - both are scenes in which a Black man is killed by the police, though in one case the homicide could be considered justifiable, while in the other it's a horrifying tragedy.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.