9 Actors Who Hated Working On Harry Potter Movies

1. Domhnall Gleeson (Bill Weasley)

Severus Snape Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

Domhnall Gleeson played the part of Bill Weasley in both Deathly Hallows films, and while benefitting from joining the series in his adulthood after he had a number of high-profile projects under his belt, that didn't stop him having a bad time during the shoot.

Gleeson said of his nervy, anxiety-riddled experience in the early days of filming Deathly Hallows - Part 1 in particular:

"I was a Harry Potter fan, but on my first day on set on Deathly Hallows, I had a horrible day, just a terrible day... There were 300 people on the set, it was absolutely nuts, I went Australian on the accent instead of English, I kind of panicked, you know, I met these amazing people whose work I had watched and loved for years, and the pressure got to me... I didn't handle it well, the first day, but after that I got better, and I learnt that I'm going to be under similar pressure in the future but I'm not going to let it get to me."

Gleeson's career has basically gone from strength to strength ever since, so clearly his first-blockbuster jitters didn't do his rep any serious harm.

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