9 Actors Who Prepared For Movie Roles In The Worst Possible Way

7. Robert Pattinson Under-Delivers In Rehearsals, Gets Drunk On Set - The Lighthouse

James Mcavoy

While Robert Pattinson was largely praised for his highly committed performance during 2019's The Lighthouse, it's fair to say that he perhaps didn't do himself a ton of favours when it came to preparing himself for the role.

First of all, when it came time to run through the scenes with director Robert Eggers and co-star Willem Dafoe beforehand, the actor found himself regularly p*ssing off Eggers with his monotone readings and general lack of effort. Simply put, Pattinson isn't sure how to perform a scene until he is genuinely in the situation on set.

Then, when given the chance to deliver the goods on the day-of, the actor likely went a little too far in the eyes of one rather frustrated Dafoe. For the scenes showcasing Pattinson's character being very much under the influence, the actor legitimately got drunk on set, throwing up and p*ssing his pants for good measure.

This all led to a particularly worrisome moment when Pattinson tried to make himself hurl on his co-star mid-scene, with Eggers ordering the actor to pull himself together as Dafoe looked ready to call it a day. And you can't exactly blame him.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...