9 Amazing Performances By Actors Who Stopped Giving A Damn

4. Alec Guinness - Star Wars

Alan Rickman Robin Hood

It's always a hard pill to swallow when one of the most essential actors from one of the most revered movie franchises in movie history says that he abhors said franchise. Unfortunately, that seems to be the case with Alec Guinness, who plays mystical mentor and all-around badass Obi-Wan Kenobi.

But the experience of working with George Lucas is one he was happy to be done with once he wrapped on Return of the Jedi. Guinness reportedly despised the dialogue, and expressed while on set that ol' Georgie didn't have a firm enough grasp on the characters he was writing for:

“Apart from the money, I regret having embarked on the film[s]. I like them well enough, but it’s not an acting job. "The dialogue — which is lamentable — keeps being changed and only slightly improved, and I find myself old and out of touch with the young.”

A letter Guinness wrote to a friend during production reinforced his dismissal of the material:

“New rubbish dialogue reaches me every other day on wadges of pink paper. None of it makes my character clear or even bearable.”

Despite his contempt of the material, Guinness provided a performance that Star Wars fans hold close to their hearts, and even non-Star Wars fans can admire.

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Marlon Brando
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.