9 Amazing Performances By Actors Who Stopped Giving A Damn

3. Marlon Brando - Superman

Alan Rickman Robin Hood
Warner Bros.

As Marlon Brando approached the end of his career, the genius method actor who diligently crafted legendary performances in The Wild One and On the Waterfront. For instance, rather than coming to the set of The Godfather with his lines memorized, he requested the use of cue cards, which had to be carefully placed around set -- sometimes on the chests of other actors in the scene -- so as not to be seen in the finished shot.

But at least in that case, Brando seemed to be invested in his character and in the film itself. The same can't be said for his portrayal of Jor-El in the original Superman movie.

According to his co-star, Terence Stamp -- who plays General Zod -- when Brando first arrived on set, he asked him if the script was any good. Stamp, bewildered, asked Brando if he'd read it yet, to which he replied "No, I was worried it might be poop."

This anecdote proves two things: 1) Marlon Brando, one of the greatest dramatic actors of all time, casually used the word "poop" in conversation, and 2) He didn't even have to read through the script to deliver the second best performance in Superman, just behind Gene Hackman's definitive portrayal of Lex Luthor.

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Marlon Brando
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.