9 Annoying Minor Movie Characters Everyone Wanted To Die

5. Lewis - Robocop

The Dark Knight SWAT
Orion Pictures

Paul Verhoeven's 1987 classic Robocop was built around strong character performances. Nearly everyone in the film is not only excellent but engaging. You like seeing Clarence and his gang doing bad things, you like Bob Morton's cockiness and Johnson's more reserved nature.

It's also easy to like the cops, they come across as blue collar, busting their asses to fight a losing battle while dealing with OCP's corporate machinations.

Alex Murphy (Peter Weller) almost made this list as he seems the opposite of those cops, but he technically does die before being reborn as Robocop so he doesn't make the list. His partner though? God she is annoying, although admittedly this seems to be by design rather than down to Nancy Allen's performance.

Everything about Lewis screams that she should die before the end of the movie. From her popping bubble gum constantly to being the worst tactical cop in movie history, even Billy Rosewood is better. As the movie reaches its bloody climax she is rightfully shot to hell... except somehow she manages to survive.

Same in Robocop 2... she again is tactically useless and a hindrance to Murphy and even more annoying, in part due to her haircut yet survives.

Eventually, in the damn awful Robocop 3, we see Lewis perish, it's easy to feel cheated as Weller was no longer involved by this point. It's hard to care about Lewis by this point. The death has no meaning as the chemistry Allen had with Weller is missing.

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Rob Taylor hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.