9 Annoying Minor Movie Characters Everyone Wanted To Die

4. Associate Bob - Demoliton Man

The Dark Knight SWAT
Warner Bros.

This 1993 action film was a vehicle for both Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes and is memorable for introducing several stars through supporting roles such as Sandra Bullock, Benjamin Bratt, Rob Schneider and Dennis Leary.

When Simon Phoenix (Snipes) kills 30 hostages, he sets up hero cop John Spartan (Stallone) to take the fall due to his reputation as the titular Demolition Man.

After Phoenix escapes the cryo penitentiary and goes on a killing spree in a now peaceful and zen like San Angeles, Spartan is thawed to stop him. Yet Phoenix has a mission programmed from villain Doctor Cocteau (Nigel Hawthorne) to kill resistance leader Edgar Friendly (Leary).

Cocteau's assistant is Associate Bob, played by Glenn Shadix. Bob is the worst character in 90's movies and arguably everyone who ever saw the film wanted him to be killed. Bob is sycophantic, slimy and perhaps the textbook "weasel" character. Once Cocteau is killed he switches allegiance to Phoenix and then to Friendly meaning the worst of the old guard has survived and will influence the future.

It helps that the late Glenn Shadix was so good at playing such characters, his turn as Otho in Beetlejuice very nearly made this list too, there would have been a lot of fun in seeing him realize he knew more about was was going on than he thought.

That being said, Associate Bob is one Murder Death Kill that should have seen happen.

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