9 Annoying Minor Movie Characters Everyone Wanted To Die

2. Bazooka Cop - The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight SWAT
Warner Bros

Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy is considered one of, if not the best series of films of all time. This is in no small part to the almost meticulous casting and writing of characters meaning there are very few truly bad or annoying characters.

There is one however, the annoying, inept and naive cop who rides alongside the disguised Jim Gordon as they transport Harvey Dent and attempt to draw out the Joker.

This young cop has no clue what he is doing and insists on narrating the action. "Is that a bazooka"? It would be easy to expect Gordon to slap him and say "What else does it look like"?

Add to this his complaint "I didn't sign up for this". Except in joining a S.W.A.T, team, that becomes part of the job.

Mercifully his screen time is brief and the reveal of Gordon means "Annoying S.W.A.T. Guy #1" is quickly forgotten but it remains one of the few blips in this masterpiece of movie making.

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Rob Taylor hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.