9 Avengers: Endgame Powers That Are Actually Real, Thanks To Tech

3. Shuri - Kimoyo Beads

kimoyo beads Black Panther
Marvel Studios

Shuri was easily everyone's favorite character from Black Panther.

What, just us?

Anyway, her Kimoyo beads - tiny beads of vibranium that act as mini-computers - are closer to reality than you might think. We already have touch-screen computers and wearables that we use on a daily basis. The only thing we don't have right now that Wakanda does is holographic communication. We're heading that way - augmented reality gives us a taste of what true holographic communication will be like in the future.

It might not be too long before you can show off a 3D design with a hologram instead of on a 2D computer screen, or chat with someone like you're standing there next to them, regardless of where they are in the world.

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