9 Awesome 80s Kid's Movies You Probably Forgot

7. The Flight Of Dragons (1982)

Way back before Game of Thrones was even written, there was The Flight of Dragons. This beautifully animated film takes a lot of influence from the book of the same name by Peter Dickinson.

In a meta move from the movie makers, Peter Dickinson is actually the name of the hero of the film, and he gets transported to the realm of magic, which is under threat from humanity’s increasing belief in logic and science.

The booming tones of James Earl Jones – Darth Vader himself – are fantastically displayed by the big bad, Ommadon, as he aims to take control of the world by manipulating all of the dragons from the realm. It’s down to Peter and his allies to stop Ommadon. But things don’t quite go according to plan...

Another example of wonderful animation from before the time when everything was done on computers, The Flight of Dragons is a must see for all fantasy fans.


Victory never tastes as sweet unless you have first tasted the bitterness of defeat.