9 Awesome 80s Kid's Movies You Probably Forgot

6. Explorers (1985)

Who wouldn’t want to build a spaceship with your best friends and fly into space? By working together and utilising each individual character’s strength, that’s exactly what three friends do in this coming of age adventure.

Ben (played by a young Ethan Hawke) has a recurring dream that provides him with the design of said ship. He in turn goes to his best friend and inventor, Wolfgang (played superbly by the late, great River Phoenix), who is capable of making this design a reality. The third member is Steve who protects the two from school bullies and who also provides the vessel (part of an old fairground ride).

Although some may remember the slightly farcical final third, the movie as a whole is another classic kids’ adventure film akin to The Goonies and Stand by Me, and it more than holds its own in the company of director Joe Dante’s other better known classics like Gremlins, InnerSpace and The ‘Burbs.


Victory never tastes as sweet unless you have first tasted the bitterness of defeat.