9 Awesome 80s Kid's Movies You Probably Forgot

3. The Monster Squad (1987)

As the movie poster said “You all know who to call when you have ghosts. But who do you call when you have monsters?”

Enter the Monster Squad: a bunch of monster fanatic kids that have a club in a tree house (isn’t that where every great club should be based?) Little did they know that their enthusiasm for horror would come in handy when Dracula and his fellow monsters decide to target the kids’ hometown in search of a powerful amulet.

You would be forgiven for thinking that this movie could be utterly atrocious based on that premise. But to counter that notion and to add some quality to the premise, it’s written by Shane Black. That’s right, the man that gave us Lethal Weapon, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, The Nice Guys. Shane bloody Black.

Cross Goonies with The Lost Boys and you’re part way to realising what this film is all about. If you saw it as a kid, you know how great it is. And if you haven’t seen it? Well, get ready for a treat.


Victory never tastes as sweet unless you have first tasted the bitterness of defeat.