9 Awesome 80s Kid's Movies You Probably Forgot

2. Biggles: Adventures in Time (1986)

A British Sci-Fi adventure film from the 80s?! That’s right!

The film is a fun confusion of time-travelling between the 1980s and 1917, where James “Biggles” Bigglesworth is part of the allied forces fighting against the Germans in World War I.

Thanks to information provided by Peter Cushing’s character, in what ended up being his last ever screen performance, it turns out that Biggles and modern day Jim Ferguson are time twins and they are transported to each other’s location whenever one or the other are in danger. Cue Ferguson and Biggles fighting across time and against the odds to destroy a sound weapon and stop the Germans changing the course of history.

Admittedly, the soundtrack for this movie is quite dated and the concept in itself is a little ridiculous, but it can still be very entertaining, with the highlight and standout moment of the movie being when Biggles gets hold of a helicopter and travels back to 1917 with it.

A helicopter vs a Biplane – it’s movie history in more ways than one.


Victory never tastes as sweet unless you have first tasted the bitterness of defeat.