9 Awesome 80s Kid's Movies You Probably Forgot

1. Spacehunter: Adventures In The Forbidden Zone (1983)

Another film that owes a lot to the success of Star Wars, but that also mashes a bit of Mad Max in for good measure. The story – in which our hero, Wolff, takes on a mission to save three stranded women from a dangerous planet – is beautiful in its simplicity.

Once you get over the awful 80s opening credits, the effects are not too bad, considering. But the best part of this movie is in the character interaction and the feeling that you are on a real adventure, full of danger and excitement.

The film boasts a great cast including Peter Strauss as the reluctant hero, Wolff, Michael Ironside in top villain form as Overdog, Ernie Hudson as Wolff’s Lando-esque former comrade, Washington, and, what 80s film list is complete without a film starring Molly Ringwald?

Another highlight of the movie is the awesomeness of some of the vehicles, particularly The Scrambler, Wolff’s all-terrain car-tank that now conjures thoughts of the Tumbler from the Dark Knight trilogy. Remember, there’s no CGI here, these are all practical effects.

*SPOILERS* The scene where Wolff’s android/girlfriend’s face melts is on a par with the bit in Robocop where the guy gets melted by toxic waste for trauma inducing scenes from your childhood. It may bring back nightmares that you had long forgotten. Be warned!

Do you agree or disagree with our choices? Have we missed any movies out that you think deserve a mention? As always, leave your comments below.


Victory never tastes as sweet unless you have first tasted the bitterness of defeat.